Sunday, May 17, 2009

10 Weeks of Skye Time!

Skye just reached the 10 week mark and he really is changing before our eyes. Just within the last week or two, he has begun to show his goofy little personality smiling and giggling all the time. He's also found his hands which he is starting to use to grab things. The motor skills are happening. The little dude is growing fast!

Here are some photos from the last week. Beginning with celebrating Heidi's first Mothers' Day with a walk at Deer Island. Also some photos and a little video of Skye's new favorite nightly ritual, his bath!

1 comment:

  1. He is getting so big. He is so cute. I can't wait to see him. Heidi you look so good. You look like you never even had a baby. I hate you for that. Give him a kiss from all of house
